Pennibrid replied

293 weeks ago

Extinction Movie Download Hd > DOWNLOAD

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A father of a family has recurring nightmares of terrorist attacks. His family is worried about him. One day, at a party, he thinks he is having another nightmare. But really, his nightmares are coming true. He and his wife are desperate to get their children to safety. They start to realize that the attackers are not that different them them.
A father has a recurring dream of losing his family. His nightmare turns into reality when the planet is invaded by a force bent on destruction. Fighting for their lives, he comes to realize an unknown strength to keep them safe from harm.
This movie dragged on, never ceasing to be the ultimate bore it actually is. The only thing going for it, is the lead family's apartment which was very nicely decorated. This where any excitement came and ultimately dies. I cannot, and do not want to spoil the "twist", but I will say this, when one is watching a sc-fi movie and the gunfire starts, and the bullets fly, and the aliens walk around in military formation, one begins to have, or rather one should have, a particular thought. Now when this thought hits you, you then have to sit through this hour and fifty odd minutes to find the answer. The answer is a TV dinner. The packaging looks great and then you eat those meatballs and think, why? Why did I even watch this. Oh and those children should have been shot, or runover, or shot. I don't care. Netflix this movie was just horrible.
I wonder how many of the bad reviews on this movie are from people who gave up on it before the ending. I had heard that there was a twist but even as it was happening I was not sure what to guess. On the second viewing of this movie I noticed some interesting things that I had missed the first time - characters are never shown eating or drinking (even at the party), the way they walk is unusual, and towards the end when a character needs medical attention - it is described as their systems are shutting down - a big double meaning. <br/><br/>As far as the bashing of the acting - I would agree if I did not watch the whole movie. I believe that less emotional acting at the beginning is easy to explain as the characters are still trying to learn about emotions, without any real world examples. Also I would say that the different characters very well may have started with much different capabilities based on their target roles - example: the children were made with much more emotional expression as they are meant to be with humans 100% of the time in a close family situation. Pena was meant to be a janitor/fix it role which would have much less of a need for emotion but more for troubleshooting. The same with Caplan&#39;s character which looked like a janitor. Other&#39;s may have been created with much different capabilities - I think David was in some kind of security role before the event.<br/><br/>I liked the dreams being flashbacks which are also similar to the final act action events.<br/><br/>I would like to see a sequel that shows what happens next as well as a movie that showed the same events from the human&#39;s side.<br/><br/>Worth at least watching twice which is a lot more than I would say for 90% of the movies on Netflix.
While the script is fundamentally flawed, the direction doesn’t help. Young, who previously helmed the brutal 2016 indie Hounds of Love, feels out of his element in the sci-fi action realm.

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