Pennibrid replied

293 weeks ago

Sharktopus Hd Full Movie Download > DOWNLOAD

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A half-shark, half-octopus creature created for the military, creates a whole lot of terror in Mexico while a scientist who helped create it tries to capture/kill it.
A half-shark, half-octopus (sharktopus) creature has been scientifically created causes a whole lot of terror in the Dominican Republic while a scientist who helped created it tries to capture and kill it. All while this is happening, a wolf and whale mix (whalewolf) is trying to gain power over the territory and steal it from the sharktopus.
Sharktopus is a good example of terrible movie making. The script and the dialog are absolutely pitiful. People sit and wait for the creature to attack them; a couple watch three people die and decide to go fishing like nothing happened; a reporter (the usual stupid stuff) allows people to die and just worries about the story over lives; and the scientist in charge feels that it is alright for people to die in the search for scientific advancement. This is the same horrible grouping of clichés from every single SyFy bad horror movie. This movie is a mess and not worth watching at all. In a struggling economy, it is a miracle someone gave money to people to make a piece of trash that is this bad.
First of all, I&#39;d like to congratulate all the actors on their wonderful performance, all the editors on their fantastic editing and all of the crew for their hard-work for creating this all-around incredible film. On a scale of 1 to 10, this surpasses a 1 by 10 and makes it an eleven. This movie had me intrigued and excited to see a possible sequel. This movie is everything you expect of a top quality Oscar-winning movie. In the following paragraphs I have explained my reasoning for why this movie, Sharktopus, should receive honorable mention by the Academy Awards. <br/><br/>Name: Not only does the name of this movie surpass the creativity of any other movie I&#39;ve ever seen before, but the name also gives you a decent idea of what the movie is about. The name itself allows this movie to be given an Oscar. The name Sharktopus exemplifies the creativity of this group of people and how much thought went into this film. I suggest that the name of the sequel of this movie should be Sharktopus 2 and the third movie should be Sharktopus 3. I believe that the incredible acting in this movie cannot be surpassed by any other film in the movie business. <br/><br/>Mojo: The writers managed to incorporate the word &quot;Mojo&quot;like I&#39;ve never seen before in an incredible film. Mojo- (n.) the art or practice of casting magic spells; magic; voodoo. <br/><br/>Emotions: I do not even know where to start in this category. I finished watching this movie emotionally worn out and somehow wanting more. At first, the sharktopus only filled me with fear, but somewhere down the road, I realized something; BOOM, I felt something for the creature. Where did I begin to accept the Sharktopus as a welcome member of my home? Suddenly, it was more than just a horror flick. It was an emotional journey that changed my life forever. <br/><br/>Effects: Not only did this movie change my emotions forever, but it turned me into a better man. At the time of watching this movie, I was conflicted on whether or not I was a holy man. I know this sounds cheesy but this was quite a life-changing experience. If you are looking for a solid movie that connects with not only your emotions, but your spiritual side then this movie is perfect, it will change the way you think about god and life. <br/><br/>Ending: I feel sadness that this movie has ended. This ending was the most incredible, emotional and fulfilling movie-ending I&#39;ve ever experience.<br/><br/>Addressed to Adam Finer:<br/><br/>Young lad, you exceeded all my expectations for the filming of Sharktopus. The way the camera angles were positioned made me want to continue watching this film and is currently making me wish for a sequel. Thank you for your hard work and may the lord be with you.

Sharktopus, a genetically-engineered half-shark, half-octopus dubbed S-11, created by Blue Water employees Dr Nathan Strands (<a href="/name/nm0000616/">Eric Roberts</a>) and his daughter Nicole (<a href="/name/nm1523899/">Sara Malakul Lane</a>) to serve the military, escapes off the coast of Santa Monica, California and makes its way down to Mexican waters where it attacks numerous fishers and beachgoers. Although Strands wants to capture the sharktopus alive, Nicole and ex-Blue Water employee Andy Flynn (<a href="/name/nm2792064/">Kerem Bürsin</a>) realize that the creature must be destroyed, something easier said than done. Sharktopus is a Syfy channel remake of the 1984 Italian film <a href="/title/tt0088100/">Shark: Rosso nell&#39;oceano (1984)</a> (Devil Fish). The screenplay for Sharktopus was written by Mike MacLean. An octopus can survive on land for twenty minutes or more and are often reported by aquarium workers or pet owners as having left its cage and taken a walk. Some species have even been seen leaving the water to hunt on land. Sharks cannot survive on land and most species require a steady flow of water over their gills to breath as they lack the muscles to pump water through their gills on their own. The addition of seemingly ornamental spikes on the gills of the sharktopus presumably grants it the magical ability to not suffocate. Yes, he does. <a href="/name/nm0000339/">Roger Corman</a> can be seen about 12 minutes into the film as the bum who watches as a woman who just found a gold coin in the sand is carried off by the sharktopus, after which the bum shrugs and picks up the coin. Andy and Nicole go after the Sharktopus, following it to a tourist village upstream where the Sharktopus has been ravaging tourists and locals alike. With no bullets or grenades left, Nicole thinks she might be able to access the kill switch with her computer. However, first they must establish a link with with an interface dart to its brain. While Nicole searches for her father&#39;s access code, trying first &quot;Sharktopus&quot; then &quot;Octoshark&quot; with no result, Andy shoots it with the dart then tries to fight it off with a stick. Nicole&#39;s nickname &quot;Pumpkin&quot; finally lets her in, and just as the creature is about to gobble up Andy, she hits the kill button, blowing the Sharktopus to bits. In the final scene, as a blood-covered Andy joins Nicole, he looks down over the riverbed and says, &quot;That thing better not jump out on us again,&quot; to which Nicole replies, &quot;That only happens in the movies.&quot;
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